Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So that Sarah Silverman video shown on Jimmy Kimmel (I'm Fucking Matt Damon) was a great high light for my semester.
But here is an even better high light for my summer. Jimmy Kimmel Fucking Ben Affleck. I have to say, this one got a lot more laughs out of me (and had tons more stars). Here are my favorite high lights from the video (in no particular order)(the incredible lyrics will not be mentioned beyond this point):

1) The intimate nose-to-nose of Jimmy and Ben. That moment just really leaves you wanting more.
2) Lance Bass. Period
3) Josh Groban. I didn't think any celeb there could beat the presence of Mr Bass. But it was happened the moment I heard Josh Groban's heartfelt (and just as gorgeous) voice utter the word "fucking" numerous times...censored of course. And unfortunately.
4) Ben and Jimmy's cut off shorts? Yes please. Not to mention Affleck's shiny blue...thing...that could possibly have been a one piece. Which would be sensational

A) (I'll call this one A instead of 5 because I'm really not sure whether it's worthy of mentioning) But while viewing, I did rewind back to the moment when Cameron Diaz shows evident pleasure (so much of it!) in making a certain obscene (and censored) hand gesture.

PS- I'm not a lover of Brad Pitt, but I love that he was there. LOVE.

Today is good.

Yours can be too:

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