Tuesday, August 5, 2008

3 Week Hiccuping Girl

Um, WHAT!? At first I was looking at MSN news for more trashy reports about ridiculous things that no one wants to hear about. Of course, when I saw a headline involving some girl who is suing a hiccuping cure company, I didn't think I'd find anything that could beat its level of sensation.

So I clicked on the video link (listed below) and was surprised to find myself feeling downright sorry for this teenager who has been hiccuping for THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT. I mean...really? Hiccups are only ever funny for like 5 seconds. Then they become embarrassing, annoying, and eventually painful. My mom used to tell me these stories about how my grandpa would sometimes need to go to the hospital because his hiccups would be so painful.

I seriously feel bad for this little chick. I mean, if I could choose to be afflicted with something it just wouldn't ever be hiccups. Hiccups are just so silly and are hard to take seriously. Plus the fact that the whole thing sounds completely ridiculous. I would expect that most people don't even want to talk to our "victim" because it would seem so awkward and also grating on the ears.

Don't ask me what I would be afflicted with, because I just have no clue. Except for that it wouldn't ever be hiccups. Who wants to be medicated just for going to sleep?


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