Friday, August 8, 2008


If you happen to be reading this and you are above the age of 60, were at Music Fest to see Jethro Tull, and sat lawn...then you are probably a bitch.

So last night a few of us went to see Jethro Tull live, and I don't think that A) I've ever been more scared for my life and the lives of the people I was with and B) I've ever been surrounded by more assholes.

First off, this older man behind us asked us to sit down or move from where we were standing so that he and his wife (who were sitting behind us) could see. Being almost 100% non-confrontational, I quickly made myself invisible and allowed my male counterparts to do the job for me.
The man was promptly refused his request on the grounds that we had also paid for our tickets.

You might be thinking right about now that we were sort of assholes to refuse this man vision to the front, but we were like a mile back anyway, and he was over truthfully, what exactly was he seeing? Plus, the point made was completely valid: we paid for our tickets and we were in LAWN and it was a CONCERT. Lawn is for young assholes who can't afford to sit reserved. Lawn is NOT for old fuckers who want to be arrogant, but somehow can't afford reserved seating...
really? Yes.
So anyway, this guy gets a cop and then we sort of have to move. You win old man.
Two positive things here though: 1. The cop was not an asshole (weird, right?) 2. No one was arrested.
You just don't mess with the cops, especially at a Jethro Tull concert where it sounds so silly..?

So then, during Jethro Tull's 20 minute break, our friend from VIP comes back to the lawn fence to talk to us. While we're there, some asshole 60 year old of the female variety "excuses" herself, and pushes me out of her way in a very bodily fashion. At this point I am literally standing behind, rather than with, my friends. So she just sucks. And so does her big ass husband who I thought was a woman for a full 5 seconds because his tits were so big.
Suddenly, his big face is in the face of one of my friends because my friend has been saying Fuck and varieties of the word Fuck (ex: fucking, fucker, fucked...etc) too much for Big Face's liking. So Big Face is so mad and my friend backs down. But VIP does not and I was scared for his life.
The situation is eventually calmed down and my Fuck friend apologizes (again) to Big Face as we're going back to our standing spots. But all Big Face has to say about it is, "It's a good thing you calmed your friend (VIP) down, because if you hadn't I would have laid him out."
oh. THAT guy.
Total D-Bag.

But then Karma came along in the form of a 60+ pot head who gave me two roaches (which I passed don't anyone go calling the police on me). I had made friends with this guy earlier when I was sitting away from my group and he was laughing at them because they were loud (and drunk) and he was high and drunk.

So all-in-all. Jethro Tull fans tend to be total bitches. But only tend to be (our 60+ pot head was definite proof that not 100% of his fans are terrible people). The show was amazing and it was an awesome night. Probably the most interesting I've ever ever ever had.

Life is good.

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