Friday, October 9, 2009

Up for running. I stayed up way way way too late last night, doing practically nothing.

We did The Shining and wining (Alyssa's idea), which took hella long to get through and I'm glad I wasn't jazzed because I would have peed my pants since I had to pee for most of the movie. It was so fucking good! Certain colors read really well on camera and that dude GOT IT. Artistically speaking, it was the sweetest, but horror films make me emotional once I survive them and I don't like it.
Anyway, I couldn't just go to bed after the movie because I was HORRIFIED, so then we put Enchanted on as a way of detox. Pretty solid decision I'm pretty sure. I woke up from a weird dream because of my alarm a few minutes ago, but I actually think it was about a dude and not about The Shining THANK GOD.

My bladder is about to explode.
Volunteering for Garden State Equality today with Paul I hope it's a wonderful experience which somehow gives me lots of energy instead of sucking it out of me yayy!!!

Also I didn't fail my psych test which is fucking amazing since a lot of the class did. Trust me when I say that I'm one of those people who when I say "I failed," I fail. This is literally the first time I have predicted failure and not gotten it. Yay yay ayyay ayyay a. !!

I have nothing else to say because it's 8:41 AM (even though my timestamp will proaly say 541:( ).



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