Sunday, February 8, 2009

Amazing Weekend: Adirondacks

The Pinnacle

Beer count. Washed out from the flash. Thom.

The front yard

Being a right foo' on Lake Champlain. Nice times.

Paul in the decrepit barn! (My head explodes as I post this. Barf.)

Uh, I forgot to watch Flight of the Conchords?
Because I am exhausted from an AWESOME weekend. Went up to Pete's family's house in the Adirondacks with him and Thom and Paul.
We did amazing fun things like walk on the frozen Lake Champlain, walk through Pete's decrepit barn (sweetsweet), watch Curb Your Enthusiasm, frolic and hike through absurdly deep snow. We also enjoyed each other's company and drank beer.
Highlights above? Not sure why!


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