Sunday, July 11, 2010

I want answers answers
Will this or will this not go away quickly? Am I in a valley of rolling hills or a chasm with smooth sides? Did I make a mistake by first looking for outside medical help, then cutting myself off completely from that help?
It never really did help though. I made a friend in the office- two friends really. I told her my problems each week and I cried once or twice. I said goodbye to the other behind the front desk. I walked out the door and responded to messages right outside.
Usually, I leaned against the low half-wall that looks over the stair and took a deep breath; it took a good deal of self-control not to runrunrun.
Usually, class was going to start in 10 minutes from the time my appointment let out, so there were throngs coming up from the lot and from their lunch and from their rooms
with their friends
looking at me
Usually, always I wondered who recognized D216

Closed the door on any drugs but those prescribed

I've learned that neither does the job and both kinds cause trouble

The very worse thing about it is the negative way it affects every single relationship I have.

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