Tuesday, October 18, 2011

These past two years have been the worst two years of my life.
I didn't think anything could top 2010 and then 2011 happened. Too much has been lost, and I feel like my identity went with it and possibly my relationships are disappearing too.
I'm afraid of 2012, instead of optimistic. 2012 is only months away and things haven't turn around yet. I don't want to have three of the worst years of my life and counting.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Josh went away last weekend and it ended up being a very positive experience for me to spend some time with myself. I’ve been struggling with relying on myself as a source of happiness since college, but this past week I felt like I was starting to get some of my self worth back.

It’s a pretty amazing feeling. I’m parts excited/energized/scared that it’s a fluke, but it’s a good start to a change that needs to happen. I have a bad habit of distracting myself from my unhappiness, rather than looking to the source (me) and trying to fix it. A new job and my own apartment will be awesome, but can’t be relied on to fix my generally negative attitude.

It’s also very sad that I didn’t realize all of those positive things were missing from my life until so recently.

So there’s that.