Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tonight, while I was painting, I tried to come up with a mental list of qualities that I like about me.

After about 3 whole seconds, I was kind of disturbed to discover I have a splendidly short list of likes and a huge gross list of dislikes.

Here is what I came up with, we'll keep it to likes so you won't be here all day:
1. I like my hair (superficial)

2. I think I make alright decisions and give alright advice

3. I'm honest

4. I have a high tolerance for most people.
Which I'm not even sure if I like this quality about myself, because it mostly gets me into trouble or gives me patience in situations where it will come back and bite me in the ass later...

So that's my list, and I think I should try to fix it. And by fix it I mean extend it.


1 comment:

Graceful world, I kindly ask said...

You have an incredible drive to question and challenge yourself until you are happy with what you find. That is not only beyond important, but necessary for fully living. <3