Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A good piece of advice I was given is that no one person can make me feel anything.

I think that daily, I neglect to use that word properly. Maybe you do too. Letting someone "make me" feel something is just one more way I am giving up the level of control I have over my life and my emotions.

Maybe changing the language of my thought will help me be more in charge of how I think. I have this theory that my brain is on auto or something, leaving me out of most of what it's doing. Problem.

Anyway, instead of saying certain people make me feel a certain way (upset, excited, whatever), I could opt to say that I feel a certain way when I'm around certain people.
If that makes sense
It's subtle but it's a difference.

If I put time into changing the language, that means I'll be giving myself more of an opportunity to think about the meaning behind what I'm saying.

So yeah


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