Saturday, May 1, 2010

Some Thoughts

This time last semester I was in a hospital wearing clothes that didn't belong to me

I slept in a room with no corners that had a bathroom with no hooks and edges
With a stranger who was glad she'd failed at her attempt

They took the strings from my jackets and my clothes
I wore socks instead of shoes
When I wrote it was with a small pencil that I had to ask for and return
I drank hot chocolate because it was the only caffeine we had access to
Showering required permission

For the first two days I slept, walked, ate, with a scrubbed up stranger following me at all times.
When I showered she sat in the room
When I used the toilet she sat outside the door
When I cried she held me and told me it was the Devil in me that made me feel this way. I still don't believe her, but it was nice to have someone tell me something.

I waited by the phone because it was difficult to hear it ring and the nurses never picked it up
I wore no make up and my hair was flat and stringy
I read at least two books

My first steps outside were overwhelming to my mind. My parents fought and I was hungry.
Walking was a chore, because I had almost no use of my legs for the eight days I was away
I cried and yelled at the security guard who didn't want to let me back on campus
I went home and made things worse

Things I've learned:
I will never allow anyone to put me away again
My skin scars easily and scars are more obvious in sunlight.

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