Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Man oh (man oh!)

It's been so long since I have posted on here! Probably a new record. Like a week? Possibly two, but I'm too lazy to check.
SO! updates.

Snowboarding at Killington, VT this weekend. Very cool times, I learned a lot and I actually felt like a snowboarder. Albeit, a slow one. But whatever. I honestly say props to any female who gets herself onto a board. All the ladies are always all about skiing, which I hear is 10x easier to learn. Not to diss. But come on, snowboarding is so much COOLER than skiing could ever hope to be!!!! It was really nice this year because going up the lifts I saw a few more girls than previous years who were my age and at just about my ability level. Good times. Proof:

Also, as of last night I decided to do the Death Race at my campus!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO PUMPED FOR THIS. LIKE YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE. I *think* the Death Race started with a group of anarchists who decided to use their bikes as weapons against society. Commiting minor acts of crime to spread a message of bringing down large corporations. Another idea behind it is taking back public space. Death Races are done on bicycles, riding through areas where maybe you wouldn't ride through ordinarily. They give you the opportunity to do that. Here at Ramapo it has these ideals, plus the fact that it's just awesome and fun and BASICALLY a scavenger hunt that takes place on your bike. We watched a documentary from Death Race 2006 last night and it totally inspired me to sign up. I'm getting my bike today with Paul!!!! woohodao

Lastly, I have found that I am reverting to a depressed state of mind. I don't think it's anything that is going to stick around for too long, but for now it makes me feel extremely stifled and anxious. I honestly think that exhaustion and this constant overcast/rain have a lot to do with it. But at least I always have things to look forward to. Like MARY this weekend and SPRING BREAK. Woccawocca!


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