Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I had the weirdest dream about becoming engaged to a complete stranger who I didn't even love. I just wanted to be engaged. In the dream, my new fiance's family kept sending me text messages entitled "grandparents." All of the texts were pictures and the family was so trashy and low-class. I was worried about the phone bill because of them.
Then I was really really upset that Brian Bay hadn't asked me to marry him and that he did not even seem upset about my being engaged to some strange loser man. So I went crazy and took a motorcycle and decided to go all the way to Albany. But at a rest stop at Arby's (except Wendy's), I figured I'd head to Mississippi instead since that's where Jon Kallin is.
Paul and Thom and this huge bitch all followed me. The bitch left with my dad (weird that he didn't make me leave with them) and that was basically the dream.
Dream Brian- what a disappointment.



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