Friday, October 3, 2008

Mad Science

One of my Mad Science classes was CANCELLED. Big surprise, I didn't find out about it until yesterday (the exact day it was set to begin).

So I'm hoping to be Paul's "labaid" for that Thursday class. I get paid half-wage which sucks because I could be doing the same thing with my own class for full wage, but's better than nothing.

Plus, I really think he needs the help. It isn't his lack of ability, it's these KIDS. Claudio can't say nuclear and got put into a corner for misbehaving so much, followed shortly by another miscreant. This really was an exceptionally wild group of children. But in all honesty, exceptionally wild beats out exceptionally shy (BORING) any fucking day. Seriously. Today is my new first official class day for Mad Science. I'm nervous because I don't want these kids to be so shy that they don't want to participate... I know that they'll be a lot different from Thursday's group because the area is much different sooo we'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, my stomach is unsettlingly hungry and I should really take care of that.


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