Monday, October 27, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Into the Minds of 7-11 Employees

What makes that special breed of mostly NJ citizens tick...those strange specimens who work the nightshift at the local 7-11s?

Seriously now. I have had a countless number of strange encounters with these people, to the point where I would not dare enter a 7-11 alone ever...even during daylight hours. I should start chronicling these in a blog entitled SketchSteph7-11s...we'll see about it.

So anyway:

Tonight's incident concerned a worker who felt it wasn't rude in any way to interrupt a private conversation I was having with a friend (about his 20-year old friend who is dating a child of only 16 years...yes, still in diapers). Whatever. The guy was like 60 and pretty much a freak because he kept running around saying "Oh, well I'm 14, I'm not 16 I'm 14." Ummm...what!? The pretty girl buying 1% milk probably thought there was something wrong with me. Needless to say: she was not amused. Whatever.
And it couldn't end there. Of course. He went on to tell the friend I was with, who has blessed this earth for just over 21 years now, that the friend was actually only 12. Which is just so absurd and like, borderline creepy? Because. Because.

So how interesting are these 7-11 employees (and by interesting I pretty much mean very creepy)? So so interesting.

I think I'll start going late at night more so I can have more stories which will easily best the story I just told. It was a lot more sensational when living it.


Thursday, October 23, 2008


All I ask is that those whom I share space with are not complete slobs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have been miserably sick for the last 48-hours, but it's a feverless/no throwing up sickness so it sounds stupid and lame when I talk about it.
Last night it plagued me at 1:43 AM and the again at 5 something AM, and then it woke me up at 8:07AM, before my alarm clock was set to go off.
What a bitch disease full of discomforts.

So this illness entails just a generally horrible throbbing headache that is relentless and won't go away despite the generic brand ibuprofen i have been ingesting and a sore throat which is the worst because it makes breathing,talking,eating,and drinking painful...and uhh these are life necessities.

Basically, I've been miserable and whiny all day (because I already hate fucking Tuesdays). And to top everything off, I hit my head like a dolt in my sculpture class. Like one of those, UH HELLO IS MY SKULL STILL INTACT?! type hitting of heads...MISERY.
Now my eyes are dry from the heat the worst case of acne I've had in years, but I'll stop being a Debbie Downer and cozy up with the book I'm reading ( it!).


Monday, October 20, 2008


I got my new featherbed. IT'S GREAT. For the past week I've been falling asleep, thinking..."This is comfortable, but when my new featherbed comes in it's gonna' be even better."

Well I must be a psychic because it is. It's so much better and my bed looks about 3 inches taller (because it technically is now...3 inches taller of COMFORT) and perfect.

In other news, I'm getting my picture taken for the school paper for being Artist of the Week. So that's nice.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


My canceled Mad Science class was replaced with a new one!!


I'm so psyched on mah Halloween partayyy.

S'gonna' be the bomb

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kung Fu Hustle

That movie is seriously amazing. I actually forgot that it even existed for I'm not sure how long (how would I even begin to measure that).
Can you imagine being the Visual Director for that?

Best job ever.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I seriously love autumn. IT SMELLS SO GOOD. Unlike my apartment which has persisted in smelling like a literal dumpster for over a week...whichhh is disgusting.

Observed with Pam Anderson this morning. It was an alright time...observations would really be better without the students. Then I would be left with just Pam Anderson, and we could have quality time and I could ask her about her glasses and tell her how cool they are (because they are...every single one, which is like at least 50.) I aspire to also have this many pairs of cool specs. The pair that I currently own, I hate, and they also aren't even strong enough for my eyes meaning that I have "blind days." Whic is horrible.

My week is incomplete thus far (and will be until next week) because Sarah Connor Chronicles wasn't on!!! I am in love with her in a non-lesbionic way. You would be too. She has perfect muscular arms and wears all variations of grey, and other plain clothes varieties, just like me!!!! I guess that means we're soul mates and I should let her know about through fan mail or something.

No class for the rest of the week. Groceries today so I can eat that wonderful cereal that sits in my pantry unused (but not unloved).


Friday, October 10, 2008


We made it to Montague after many mishaps and ridiculousness. Will post tomorrow about how the Appalachian Trail goes!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Honeymoon Getaway!

My friend Paul and I are going to Montague this weekend to hike the Appalachian Trails!!!!!
This sounds so adventurous (because it is). We're going to see waterfalls, JUST LIKE CANADA and I'm going to take pictures like a true to form tourist (and also Asian, but I'm Puerto Rican too so there).

I SERIOUSLY CAN'T WAIT. We're getting reimbursed by his parents for groceries. Doing diners, watching Sex & the City (and Arrested Development), and exercising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



Friday, October 3, 2008

Mad Science

One of my Mad Science classes was CANCELLED. Big surprise, I didn't find out about it until yesterday (the exact day it was set to begin).

So I'm hoping to be Paul's "labaid" for that Thursday class. I get paid half-wage which sucks because I could be doing the same thing with my own class for full wage, but's better than nothing.

Plus, I really think he needs the help. It isn't his lack of ability, it's these KIDS. Claudio can't say nuclear and got put into a corner for misbehaving so much, followed shortly by another miscreant. This really was an exceptionally wild group of children. But in all honesty, exceptionally wild beats out exceptionally shy (BORING) any fucking day. Seriously. Today is my new first official class day for Mad Science. I'm nervous because I don't want these kids to be so shy that they don't want to participate... I know that they'll be a lot different from Thursday's group because the area is much different sooo we'll see how it goes.

In the meantime, my stomach is unsettlingly hungry and I should really take care of that.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Guatemalans Who I Teach

So, my friend Paul and I had our first day of volunteering last night at Groupo Cajola. This is an organization run by Karyn Maxim and it helps Guatemalan immigrants start to learn how to speak English and use computers and other very basic skills which will really help them get along in America.

Last night when I realized that every person there but ME spoke Spanish, I was very overwhelmed. Paul has been taking Spanish for years and can communicate well enough with other Spanish speaking people, but I was really in over my head. The class was so welcoming and eager to learn though, that I couldn't help but gain confidence as everything proceeded. Our sessions are only one hour long, but because of the intensity of which I was trying to understand the surrounding conversation, I really did start to pick out and begin to understand certain Spanish words.

I've started a Spanish notebook that I will bring with me to class each week. I want to start being able to communicate more easily with these people. Some of them know less English than I know Spanish, so it really is very difficult. I've already picked up a lot of key things which will help me next Wednesday and I honestly can't wait to get back !!!! What I want most right now (other than to be fluent right this instant) is for the Guatemalans to know that I really am trying, and will continue to try to speak Spanish, just as much as they are trying to learn English. I think I'll be okay because I have so much enthusiasm for it, and I'll be there every week which will force me to pick up SOME things, even if I don't want to.

So that was my first official teaching experience. Tonight is my second, and tomorrow is my third. Tonight being my first night of Mad Science where I will be completely alone with my ownnnn class:)))) I really can't wait. I think that being a Mad Science teacher and a Guatemalan language teacher at the same time is really really so awesome because the experiences are so different. In both instances, I have a challenging group that needs to be taught so many things and they are depending on me to know my stuff so that they learn correctly. It's so WEIRD to be trusted completely by someone. I wonder how many teachers I have now know the gift they were given in pretty much always having someone who just believes every word that comes out of their mouths? Because really, that's true in most cases.

I am very nervous about Mad Science, but I am SO happy that I'm putting so much teaching experience under my belt already. When we were at Groupo Cajola I could really feel my teacher's instinct kicking in, which Paul said really helped him a lot because he would try to overexplain things often (an easy trap to fall into).

In other news, I hit the 100 mile mark on my Brooks (finally, I know) on September 30...I am now at 116.13. Sweet.
