Thursday, November 27, 2008


I'm so happy to be home for Thanksgiving! It is a true relief from school even though I have a gross amount of work to get done before leaving for Ramapo on Sunday.

ANYWAY. My cat allergies ARE SO HORRIBLE RIGHT NOW. I can't even take it, seriously. My symptoms are hives under my chin and on my fingers, itchy eyes, and sneezes.
Orion is well worth the pain though. He's really really good at grooming himself and is (I'm sure) the best looking cat on the block.

Tomorrow is Black Friday. I guess I'll do my best to support the economy and spoil myself one last time before Christmas shopping begins.

And also- this really trashy woman from Easton yelled at me today for putting my foot on her future seat at the football game today. What a dumb, low-class bitch! She wasn't even sitting on the right side of the stadium (should I consider color-blindness?? Maybe she didn't see the sea of red/black across the field from her...)!
Honestly, I'm not psychic and if I was I would most surely not be attuned to that sort of scum (the totally uneducated likes to yell at strange girls in public type..)...she should be so lucky.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Invisible Children

So, last night my friend Faith who is an activist on her campus introduced me to Invisible Children. After learning what it was, it totally blew my mind that none of my friends knew what it was, and it was never something I had seen on the news or read in the papers.
It's definitely one of the most internationally ignored crises of our time.

Anyway, I've decided to start an Invisible Children United (ICU) Club. The three guys who started Invisible Children created it in such a way that students, like myself, would be able to get involved. It's so easy, because all it takes is for little things to happen here and make a great impact over there.
I have to start by spreading the word and finding supporters for my group. I want to get it off its feet as soon as possible so that the group can have its first official meeting Spring 2009.
I am beyond excited for this. I'm always looking for a chance to make a true difference and now I actually can.


Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm so boring

Ugh, uhhhhhhhh
I am so BORING for the past like...month. I seriously have nothing to write about!

So here is a list of complaints:
1) My neck feels as though I have strange gas bubbles in my neck moving toward my back.OUCH. And WEIRD.
2) I keep waking up at 8:07 AM to urinate. What is this about? Answers, please?
3) My eyes keep drying out because of the heat in our apartment, but it's too cold to have the heat off.
4) And lastly I cannot take how early it gets dark's weighing down on my nerves.

In better news:
1) I am still in love with the phrase..."As a liberal and a feminist, I am offended." Maybe I'll be a better feminist if I try to use this phrase one time a day.
2) I want absolutely nothing for Christmas! So I'm saving my parents money (what an economist!)
3) My cat hasn't peed on MY things, just my younger sister's. Good news for me.
4) I bought a great new coat and Tims. I'm sure I've gained the attention of more people on campus (in a great way) because of these new accessories. I mean, one can hope.

SO that's my post. It's boring and horrible but what can I do about that? On Thanksgiving maybe I'll write about everything I ate! And anyone who reads it (which is no one) will find that they probably had something in common with my meal.


Sunday, November 23, 2008


I guess it's true that some women actually want to be controlled by their male counterparts.

As a feminist, and a liberal, I am offended.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Day!

Good Day! Foodwise at least. Or drinkwise at least.
Because I have this thing where once I really really give up soda and other unhealthy liquids and only drink water I can really stick to only drinking water(excuse the run-on...?). But once I step off the path even a teensy bit, I relapse into craving all that sugary goodness all of the time.

Anyway- today was the first day since I decided I needed to get back to ONLY water that I stuck to it. Bland though it may be, it feels great! woopwoop!!!!
Self-control is the best.

I also went to the gym so I maybe lost like .5lb? Maybe? Decreased calorie intake + the gym?
We'll go with yes.

So go me! Always!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I can no longer stand my boring living conditions. Where are you Christmas Break? Where are you SUMMER?!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Art School

I've decided that I officially have to go to art school to ever be happy and content and not regret things in my life and be a master of the arts. Or at least really really try. It needs to be free though, so possibly I'll move to California and be a resident for two years.
So there's that.